Saturday, February 12, 2011

How to Rock!

Playing rockband 3 for over three hours is an extremely tiring thing. I had to sing like Marilyn Manson, then sing in Spanish, then sing like Blondie. But the HIGHLIGHT of my night: singing 25 or 6 to 4. I got sooo into this (I love Chicago), I sang like an opera singer, then a gospel singer, then PeeWee Herman. It was phenomenally fantastic. I lovee rockband.
Another exciting thing about my life, is that I may go on a road trip with my friend Gomer this summer! I'm so excited! We are going to go to Pennsylvania for Geowoodstock IX. And if you do not know what this is, I will now explain.
Geowoodstock is a MEGA event for the geocaching community. What is geocaching?
Geocaching is an amazingly cool treasure hunt using GPS instead of map and compass. You go to GEOCACHING! and log all of your finds. This website serves a dual purpose though; you alsooo look up where you are to find out what geocaches you can go and find. It's funnn.
I had a superiorly weird dream last night. I was a teacher and I was wearing these giant glasses; there was a chalkboard and I of course, was holding chalk. I then told the class my name was Elizabeth Bieber and I wrote it on the board. What the hell? Talk about the most random thing ever! I have no interest in Justin Bieber whatsoever, and the only lyric to any of his songs that I actually know is "baby baby ooooh." When I told this class my name though, they all started asking me if I was his mom? WHO KNOWS.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Negatives of Facebook

What I have discovered since moving across the country, is that you realize how unbelievably good looking all the guys at your old school were. Without facebook, you would have NO idea what someone across the country looked like, and you would have no idea that they would look any different from when you previously saw them. For example, this one guy who I have been going to school with since first grade, is apparently really hot and tall now; this all just occurred THIS year. I mean really?
On a more positive noteeeeeeeeeee, my besttt friend Francisco may possibly come to visit me and we are going to go to a music festival!!!! :D :D :D :D
I'm so excited it's not even funny.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

How To Calculate!

Today I attended a very exciting math competition. My school is absolutely phenomenal at math, so we obviously placed extremely high. My team got 18th place :)
This particular competition was excruciatingly difficult though; It consisted of an impossible individual test, a mental math test, a potpourri test, a geometry test, and an evil algebra test. But the best part of it all was my spectacular lunch:
  • Peanut butter (extra crunchy) and jelly with bananas within this tasty whole wheat sandwich. 
  • pistachios with some tasty little chocolate chips
  • three excellent chocolate chip cookies
  • a chocolate milk
  • a coke
  • Zotz candies!
  • and PINEAPPLE!
Did I ever mention that I LOVE pineapple?
Some more highlights of this adventure would be playing catchphrase the entire two-hour bus ride home and (not to forget) the extreme math tutoring goin' down on the way TO the competition. My friend Austin was drillin' me with them factorials, man. 

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Doctor Who: Infinite Quest

The Infinite Quest is an animated episode featuring Martha Jones as the companion. The thing about this is the animation really looks like David Tennant and Freema Agyeman, but the way the animations move is just a bit off-putting. 
The storyline is pretty interesting. It starts out with the Doctor kind of giving Martha a little history lesson about Balthazar (the villain of this animated episode), right in front of Balthazar. Then, of course, the Doctor finds a clever little way to destroy Balthazar's ship. Before they leave though, Martha makes sure they release the gold bird that was caged up in Balthazar's ship. This decision is what comes back to bite them. 
Just as the Doctor and Martha were about to go enjoy a nice little trip to a mystery place (that Martha actually randomly chose the coordinates for), they're redirected by their buddy Caw (the gold bird). Caw sends them on a little quest, where they are trying to reach the Infinite before the antagonist of this story does. 
Along the way, the Doctor and Martha find themselves facing pirates, swarming bugs, and a freezing cold prison. 
Pirate Ship Captain: You two better hold on tight
(Martha and the Doctor hold onto eachother)
Pirate Ship Captain: to the rails!

Friday, January 28, 2011


I love Fridays. Fridays are the epitome of greatness, of course Saturdays are better... So I have no idea why I said Friday's the epitome of greatness when obviously Saturday is... ALTHOUGH, on Friday, you feel the wonderful anticipation and hopes of the upcoming day in your heart. That's always a great thing. Best of all, on Fridays, is when your brother has three friends over and they won't stop talking about guns. When we were in my car, I could hear a headache-inducing blend of three conversations all about guns during a painstakingly long five minute car ride.
"Why does that thing spin?"
"It's reloading the gun"

"I was telling them, it's a spy! Not me! It's a spy! It's a spy! I told them it's a spy!"
*giggle giggle*

"On HALO that one time..."
"Haha oh yeah I remember that!"
"And I was like.."

I mean, sure, guns are great and all, but there comes a point!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

How To Caffeinate

So my friend Leah was drinking loads of pepsi today when she broke out in dancing. Along with her surprise dance-off with herself, she was singing like she was an electric guitar. At the same time I was awkwardly eating two popsicles while my friend Clarissa discussed her love for drumline. During all this highly interesting and entertaining phenomena, Calvin and Fargo just stared at us with a look of disbelief and laughter. All-in-all, it was a pretty fantastic day.
A wonderful joke from my popsicle stick:
"What does a whale do when it's angry?"
Waitttttttttttttttt for it..............

You just gotta love popsicles man...

Chill Kids- A Vignette by ME :)

Under a bridge with the sound of cars above like music. Sitting by the bay with smiles, freeze-dried ice cream, and buffalo wings. Francisco says we should dance in the water but Ian was our voice of reason. We should just sit and enjoy the shade. United. Loved. Holding ice in our hands to keep ourselves continually cool on the hot, summer day. This is how life should always be. 
The smell of cooking food like steak traveled to our noses. We could almost hear the sizzle of the grill in our heads. We should play a game. Everyone grins at my child-like suggestion, a boat goes by. Let’s feed the fish buffalo wings! Jason’s suggestion brings lots of sighs and ugh’s. I flung one of my spicy wings into the green water. Sticky sauce covered my hands. Simultaneously Jason did the same-- A high five like sticky glue. Almost falling over into the water. With giggles and love. This is how life should always be.
We could hear the voices of happy people in the distance. Voices like never-melting ice cream, sweet, constant, happy.
Sitting close together. Holding hands. And singing to the distant music. That’s not what we were doing, but we were emanating the same level of fun and happiness as that event would have been. We were like the picture of youth and happiness-- like Picasso had painted us. Another boat went by.
We were in the center of the prettiest place on earth. To our left were docks and historic buildings filled with candy. Clothes. Antiques as old as the building and older. To our right was a limitless supply of food. Fun. People. In between the two was the beautiful, flawless Florida foliage like a picture. The air like fresh blooming flowers and the smell of just-ground salt. Our minds were peace. Our tummies were full and still wanting more. There was no messing with the absolute pure perfection of where we were. What we were. How we felt. And another boat went by.
Finally giving into the temptation, we dip our feet in the water. Refreshing and cool. Francisco gently slaps Ian on the back grinning. I laugh for no reason-- My ice cream falls into the water. The warm splash of clear blue-green hits our faces. As another boat goes flying past us, the passengers stand up and wave at us. Their friendly and beckoning waves are a complete reflection of our calmness and peace and happiness. There was no doubt in my mind, that this is how life always should be. Forever. 
Let’s play a game. Jason suggests. I think we should feed the fish buffalo wings. I beamed. We should dance in the water. Ian laughs, lightly punching Francisco in the shoulder. Francisco looks at us: Everything right now is perfect. Like summer. Like ice cream. Like friends sitting together by the water with buffalo wings. We should just sit. And enjoy the shade.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

How To Kindle!

Today I got a kindle! It's really pretty. I even got a special Doctor Who skin for it! :D
At the moment, I only have one book on my kindle, and it's the third book in the Dexter series. I do plan on buying LOTS more though.
Another exciting event of the day is that I threw out my back. I am in sooo much pain. The worst part of it is HOW my back actually went out. I was bending over to tie my shoe while humming a little song. While trying to loop one of the shoelaces I feel this horrible pain in my lower back causing me to be pretty much immobile. I sat for ten minutes not moving because of the fear of this horrible pain. Finally I painfully stood up and wobbled over to my bed to lie down.
Then the highlight of my day is what my best friend Jason said to me regarding my moving across the country:
"...Because I have no friends." I say.
"Yah you do." Jason replies.
"Well just you and everyone else back home." I look down at the ground solemnly.
"Yah and that's all you need, so come back here." Jason shouts.

This dialogue above is why Jason totally rocks, and if he ever reads this, then I say hello!

Now another fun thing, is that I've decided that every daily blog posting I make will start with "How To" andddd I plan on reviewing books and television shows...AND Doctor Who episodes! :)

Book I Just Finished, Review #1

Dearly Devoted Dexter
By Jeff Lindsay

          What I love about Dexter, is that, no matter how highly he thinks of himself, he still wonders why anyone would like him. Often, when he gets in a dangerous situation he thinks, "Well maybe I shouldn't save myself, because I'm a monster." Another super excellent thing about this serial killer killing serial killer is that he constantly explains how he feels no emotion, bla bla bla, but! Whenever his foster sister Deborah is in trouble, he saves her! That's total love if you ask me, I just don't think he realizes it.
         Now enough about how much I like this character. This is the second book in the series by Jeff Lindsay; the first being Darkly Dreaming Dexter (which I recommend you read this one before Dearly Devoted Dexter). The killer that the police and Dexter are after is pretty gruesome this time around, not only that, but he seems to be involved with Sergeant Doakes and his buddy from Washington? I will say no more though because I do not want to give anything away!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

How to Blog

Hello I am Bizzy and I am a timelord, obviously from the planet Gallifrey. Where is this you ask? Somewhere far away I reply. Yes.
So I just wanna explain some exciting things in my life.
Firstly, I just moved across the country! Pretttty exciting.
Secondly, I now own a sonic screwdriver.
Thirdly, if you haven't figured it out yet, I am completely obsessed with Doctor Who.
LASTLY, I have never blogged before! Butttt I feel this will be a great and fun adventure for you all.