Friday, January 28, 2011


I love Fridays. Fridays are the epitome of greatness, of course Saturdays are better... So I have no idea why I said Friday's the epitome of greatness when obviously Saturday is... ALTHOUGH, on Friday, you feel the wonderful anticipation and hopes of the upcoming day in your heart. That's always a great thing. Best of all, on Fridays, is when your brother has three friends over and they won't stop talking about guns. When we were in my car, I could hear a headache-inducing blend of three conversations all about guns during a painstakingly long five minute car ride.
"Why does that thing spin?"
"It's reloading the gun"

"I was telling them, it's a spy! Not me! It's a spy! It's a spy! I told them it's a spy!"
*giggle giggle*

"On HALO that one time..."
"Haha oh yeah I remember that!"
"And I was like.."

I mean, sure, guns are great and all, but there comes a point!

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